Elementary Types in Go

Elementary Types in Go

Go has three primary elementary types: Boolean, Numeric, and Character. These are fundamental building blocks used to represent different kinds of data in Go programs. Let's dive into each of them in detail.

Boolean Type

A Boolean represents one of two values: true or false. These are predefined constants in Go. Here's an example of declaring a Boolean variable:

var isAvailable bool = true

Booleans are commonly used in conditions and logical operations.

Numerical Type

Numerical types in Go are divided into two main categories: Integers and Floating-Point Numbers.


Go offers both architecture-dependent and architecture-independent integer types:

  • Architecture-Dependent Types:

    • int, uint, and uintptr are architecture-dependent and their size (either 32-bit or 64-bit) is determined by the system on which the program runs.

    • int is a signed integer and is the default type for integers, while uint is unsigned.

  • Architecture-Independent Types:

    • These types have fixed sizes. For example:

      • int8: Range from -128 to 127

      • int16: Range from -32,768 to 32,767

      • int32: Range from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

      • int64: Range from −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

      • Similarly, uint8, uint16, uint32, and uint64 are unsigned integers with different ranges.

Floating-Point Numbers

There are two floating-point types in Go:

  • float32: Reliable up to about 7 decimal places.

  • float64: Reliable up to about 15 decimal places.

It's recommended to use float64 as it offers higher precision and all Go's math functions expect this type.

Floating-Point Notation Examples:
  • Octal Notation: Prefix 0 (e.g., 077 for the number 63).

  • Hexadecimal Notation: Prefix 0x (e.g., 0xFF for the number 255).

  • Scientific Notation: Use e for powers of 10 (e.g., 1e3 for 1000).

Important Note: Go is strongly typed, which means variables of different types cannot be mixed directly. However, constants can be mixed because they are treated as untyped.

Format Specifiers

When formatting output in Go, you use format specifiers to define how the data should be displayed:

  • %d: For integers.

  • %x or %X: For hexadecimal representation.

  • %g: For general float formatting (compact form).

  • %f: For floating-point values.

  • %e: For scientific notation.

  • %c: For characters.

  • %U: For Unicode code points.


fmt.Printf("%d\n", 255)      // Outputs: 255
fmt.Printf("%x\n", 255)      // Outputs: ff
fmt.Printf("%g\n", 1.23456)  // Outputs: 1.23456

Complex Numbers

In Go, complex numbers have two types:

  • complex64: Consists of two 32-bit floating-point numbers (real and imaginary parts).

  • complex128: Consists of two 64-bit floating-point numbers.

A complex number is written as:

c1 := complex(5, 10)  // 5 is the real part, 10 is the imaginary part
fmt.Println(c1)       // Outputs: (5+10i)

To extract the real or imaginary parts, you can use the built-in real() and imag() functions.

Random Numbers

Go's math/rand package generates pseudo-random numbers. To generate random numbers, you can use functions like rand.Intn(n) to get a number in the range [0, n):

import "math/rand"

a := rand.Int()      // Random integer
b := rand.Intn(7)    // Random integer in range [0, 6]

The numbers generated are not truly random but are based on a seed.

Character Type

Strictly speaking, Go doesn't have a separate character type. Instead, characters are represented as integers (byte or rune).

  • byte: Alias for uint8, used for traditional ASCII characters.

  • rune: Alias for int32, used for Unicode characters.


var ch byte = 'A'   // The character 'A' in ASCII
var runeChar rune = '国'   // A Unicode character

A byte is a single character in the ASCII table (e.g., 'A' is 65 in decimal and 0x41 in hexadecimal). For Unicode characters, use rune. The type rune supports characters beyond the standard ASCII range.

To print different representations of a character:

fmt.Printf("%d\n", ch)    // Decimal value
fmt.Printf("%X\n", ch)    // Hexadecimal value
fmt.Printf("%c\n", ch)    // Character itself

The unicode Package

Go also provides the unicode package for working with characters. Some useful functions include:

  • unicode.IsLetter(ch): Checks if the character is a letter.

  • unicode.IsDigit(ch): Checks if the character is a digit.

  • unicode.IsSpace(ch): Checks if the character is a whitespace.

These functions return a Boolean value and are helpful when processing text.

Now that you have a good understanding of the different data types, format specifiers, and how to handle characters, you're ready to explore the various operations you can perform on data in Go.